Service Improvement District

The Hoback Ranches Service Improvement District was established in 1985 under Wyoming statute with the goal of ensuring the safe and effective protection of Hoback Ranches, providing for fences and roads, requiring maintenance for the over 20 miles of fencing and 26.2 miles of improved and gravel roads.

Hoback Ranches was formerly part of a private ranch that was divided into multi-acre sites for permanent and seasonal recreational homes. Approximately 9 sections comprise Hoback Ranches. These sections are bordered by approximately 4 sections of public land administered by the BLM Pinedale Field Office, and 10 sections of USFS lands, administered by the Big Piney Ranger District, Bridger/Teton National Forest. Other adjacent land ownership includes private and State of Wyoming lands. Structures within Hoback Ranches vary in age (ranging from new foundations to homes more than 15 years old) and in size (from sheds and one-room cabins to multi-thousand square-foot homes). Hoback Ranches provides residents an acceptable summer commute to Jackson and Pinedale, Wyoming.

The Bureau of Land Management

2024 Hoback Ranches Calendar

FEB 7-27 filing for Election: HRSID Director Candidates
April 12-22 Mail Annual election Ballots
MAY 7 Annual HRSID Election
JUNE 15 Early Budget Public Meeting
JUNE 30 Annual Bondurant Community BBQ-Picnic
JULY 20 Annual HRSID meeting
JULY 20 Annual Hoback Ranches Picnic
JULY 25 Annual Budget Approval, Sublette County
AUGUST 10 Bondurant Heritage Day Event
OCTOBER 22 Winter Committee meeting 6pm, Fire Station