The following is a partially updated list taken from the one complied by Bill & Jane Olsen in 1990 and further updated by Ron & Fran Chilcotte in 1998. If you have additional updates or corrections to this list, please send them to
Agoseris, Orange (or False Dandelion) |
Meadowrue |
Arnica, Heartleaf |
Monkeyflower |
Aster, Alpine |
Monkshood |
Aster, Englemann |
Morning Glory |
Aster, Pacific |
Mule’s Ear |
Aster, Sticky |
Onion, Short-style |
Balsamroot |
Orchid, Calypso |
Bedstraw, Northern |
Oregongrape (Creeping Barberry) |
Bluebell, Foothills |
Paintbrush, Common Indian |
Bluebell, Mountain (Mertensia) |
Paintbrush, Foothills |
Buckwheat, Umbrella |
Paintbrush, Sulphur |
Butter-and-Eggs |
Paintbrush, Wyoming |
Clover, Red |
Parnassia, Rocky Mountain |
Clover, Sweet |
Parsley, Desert |
Collomia, Narrowleaf |
Parsnip, Cow- |
Columbine, Colorado |
Penstemon, One-sided |
Columbine, Oregon |
Phacelia, Purple Fringe |
Coneflower, Western |
Phacelia, Silky |
Coralroot, Spotted |
Parcelia, Silverleaf |
Daisy, Showy |
Phlox, Cushion |
Dandelion, Common |
Phlox, Longleaf |
Dandelion, False |
Pinedrops, Woodland |
Elephanthead |
Prairie Smoke (Avens) |
Evening Primrose, Tufted |
Pucoon |
Fairy Slipper (or Calypso Orchid) |
Pussytoes, Rose |
Fennel |
Rabbitbush |
Fireweed |
Rose, Wild (Natrona) |
Flax, Blue |
Salsify, Yellow(Goatsbeard) |
Fleabane |
Shooting Star, Slimpod |
Forget-me-not, Mountain |
Strawberry, Wild |
Fritillaria, Purplespot ( or Leopard Lily) |
Stonecrop |
Gentian, Blue |
Sunflower, One-headed |
Gentian, Fringed |
Sweetvetch |
Gentian, Green |
Thistle, Bull |
Geranium, Wild (or Sticky) |
Thistle, Canada |
Gilia, Scarlet (or Rocket) |
Thistle, Elk |
Globemallow, Mountain |
Thistle, Everts |
Goldenrod, Missouri |
Thistle, Musk |
Groundsel, Western |
Valerian |
Harebell, Roundleaf |
Vetch, Bird |
Hawkbeard |
Violet, Blue |
Hawkweed, Orange |
Violet, Yellow |
Larkspur, Duncecan |
Waterleaf |
Lasrkspur, Golden-eye |
Wintergreen, One-sided |
Larkspur, Upland |
Wolfwillow |
Lily, Leopard |
Yampah, Common |
Lily, Sego |
Yarrow |
Lousewort, Bracted |
Lousewort, Towering |
Lousewort, Yellow |
Lupine |
Bitterbrush |
Brittlebrush |
Buffaloberry |
Chokecherry |
Current |
Elderberry |
Honeysuckle, Utah |
Grouse, Whortleberry |
Raspberry |
Sagebrush |
Serviceberry |
Shrubby, Cinquefoil |
Shrub, Willow |
Snowberry |
Snowbrush |
Spriea |
Spreading Dog Bane |
Twinberry |
Western Thimbleberry |
Aspen |
Douglas Fir |
Englemann Spruce |
Limber Pine |
Lodgepole Pine |
Sub-Alpine Fir |
Whitebark Pine |
- Puffball
- Russula
- Shaggy-mane
Bluebird, Mountain |
Bunting, Painted |
Chickadee, Mountain |
Crane, Sandhill |
Creeper, Brown |
Crossbill, Red |
Duck, American Wigeon |
Duck, Blue-winged Teal |
Duck, Green-winged Teal |
Duck, Mallard |
Duck, Merganser |
Duck, Pintail |
Duck, Scaup |
Duck, Shoveler |
Eagle, Bald |
Eagle, Golden |
Flicker, Common |
Flicker, Red-Shafted |
Finch, Cassin’s |
Goose, Canada |
Goshawk |
Grosbeak, Black-headed |
Grosbeak, Evening |
Grosbeak, Pine |
Grouse, Blue |
Grouse, Ruffled |
Grouse, Sage |
Hawk, Marsh (Harrier) |
Hawk, Red-Tailed |
Hawk, Sparrow (Kestrel) |
Hawk, Swainson’s |
Heron, Great blue |
Hummingbird, Black Chinned |
Hummingbird, Calliope |
Hummingbird, Rufous |
Jay, Gray |
Jay, Stellar |
Junco, Dark-Eyed |
Killdeer |
Kingfisher, Belted |
Kinglet, Ruby-crowned |
Nighthawk |
Nut Hatch, Red-Breasted |
Nutcracker, Clark’s |
Owl, Great Grey |
Owl, Great Horned |
Raven |
Robin |
Sandpiper, Western |
Sapsucker, Williamson’s |
Sapsucker, Yellow-bellied |
Siskin, Pine |
Snipe, Common |
Solitare, Townsend’s |
Sparrow, Chipping |
Sparrow, Whitecrowned |
Swallow, Cliff |
Swallow, Tree |
Tanager, Western |
Thrush, Swainson’s |
Vireo, Solitary |
Woodpecker, Hairy |
Woodpecker, Northern 3-Toed |
Warbler, Aududon’s |
Warbler, Townsend |
Warbler, Yellow |
Warbler, Yellow Rump |
Wren, Rock |
Yellowthroat, Common |
Antelope, Pronghorn |
Badger |
Bat, Little Brown |
Beaver |
Bear, Black |
Bobcat |
Chipmunk, Least |
Chipmunk, Yellow Pine |
Coyote |
Deer, Mule |
Elk |
Fox, Red |
Fox, Swift |
Gopher, Pocket |
Hare, Snowshoe |
Lion, Mountain |
Moose |
Mouse. White-footed deer |
Muskrat |
Pine Marten |
Porcupine |
Rat, Pack |
Skunk |
Squirrel, Red |
Squirrel, Uinta Ground |
Vole |
Weasel, Ermine |
- Admiral
- Blue, Assure Hairstreak
- Fritillary
- Salamander, Giant
- Snake, Green
- Toad, Western