Fire Mitigation

Structure & Fuel Mitigation Information


Structure & Fuel Mitigation Guidelines

Structure & Fuel Mitigation Guidelines 2016

Protection Plan

SUBLETTE COUNTY Community Wildfire Protection Plan January 2016

NOTE: A resolution, RESOLUTION 16-004, added a critical amendment to COVENANT #10 on July 16, 2016.  Resolution #16-004 was passed unanimously by the Hoback Ranches Service and Improvement District Board of Directors at the annual meeting after receiving more than a 95% concurrence from all homeowners on record. 

Resolution #16-004 adopted the new US National Fire Protection Agency (NFPA) Firewise standard for healthy forest and fire mitigation in Hoback Ranches. Resolution #16-004  encouraged all homeowners to participate in the fire prevention and mitigation program set forth in the “Consolidated Structure and Fire Management Guideline” published by the Sublette County Unified Fire Command for the benefit of the entire community.

Hoback Ranches has done extensive fire mitigation work in cooperation with the Bureau of Land Management.

Please see the following documents for more information regarding work being completed in Hoback Ranches:

BLM Hoback Ranches Fire Assessment, Wildland and Urban Communities at Risk
October 2002